Field training exercise


All lecturers and course participants are invited to participate, as observers, in the Live Exercise “PROCIV IV/2008” organized by the ANPC (Autoridade Nacional de Protecção Civil), the Portuguese Civil Protection National Authority, on November 22th, Saturday.
This event is part of a three-day field training simulation of an earthquake affecting the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon (MAL) that intents to test the Special Emergency Plan for Seismic Risk of MAL. It will involve a big organization comprising several unexpected occurrences (besides building collapse), 150 participants per scenario, 600 operational staff per each of the 3 affected district, plus figurants.
The participation in this exercise, as observers, will be a great opportunity for those interested in emergency management.


The scenario for the envisioned field simulation exercise PROCIV IV is fictitious and must allow the Civil Protection Services to carry out the required actions for various hazards, according to the capabilities and availability of the participant entities.

The scenario corresponds to the earthquake epicentre based on the1909 earthquake in Benavente, Portugal, with a probability of generating huge human and asset damages in several locations in the Lisbon, Santarém and Setúbal areas.

The exercise will be played during three days, simultaneously, in the three above mentioned areas and in Lisbon. In each day, specific aspects will be tested, namely assessment and reconnaissance, medical emergency, search and rescue, social support, evaluation of organization structure, links with the press, hazard materials, urban and industrial fires.

Each of the three areas mentioned above ( Lisbon, Santarém and Setúbal) has created a set of scenarios that will enable the main responsible agents to test the aspects above referred to.


The main objectives defined for the PROCIV IV/2008 exercise, in additional to the operational training, are:

  • Making operational the current version of the Special Emergency Plan for the seismic risk in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and neighbouring municipalities (PEERS-AML), as to leadership mechanisms, command and control, advanced reconnaissance, short- and mid-term response, evaluation of organization structure, social support, logistics and information management;
  • exercising the planning activity and leadership/command of a nationwide LIVEX exercise by the for the Civil Protection National Authority;
  • exercising the operational link between a National Command Station and Regional Command Stations in Lisbon, Santarém and Setúbal, and between these and the Municipal Protection Services (SMPC) where some scenarios will take place: Alenquer, Almada, Barreiro, Benavente, Sintra e Vila Franca de Xira;
  • exercising, through the National Command Station and Regional Command Stations, the command and control as well as the management of the available resources to respond to a seismic event according to the structural organisation envisaged in the reviewed version of the PERS-AML;
  • exercising the response capability of the above mentioned SMPCs;
  • exercising the response capability of the external entities to be involved;
  • testing the command and control structure and the architecture of the command and support systems as well as the communications.